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Handling Low Income Conflict in a Marriage

Low-income conflict in a marriage is all too common. The key to getting past the problem is finding common ground. If you have conflicts in your marriage because of money, the first place to start to solve that problem is agreeing on the reason for your situation. Bringing up money issues can be stressful. Be aware of the way you state your thoughts. The tone of your voice can have a significant impact on the way your comments are received by your spouse. Keep this proverb in mind,

“Like apples of gold in settings of silver Is a word spoken in right circumstances.” Proverbs 25:11

Secondly, praise your spouses’ efforts at work or in the home. Don’t be sarcastic; be sincere. The goal of your conversation should be to identify what your money problems are without pointing fingers. The objective of agreeing upon your problem is it places the two of you on the same side. You are trying to avoid placing blame. No one wins when you argue about money problems. You both win if you agree upon the basis of your money problem. That is the end of the first step. When you get this far, stop. Conversations about money take time. Now, do something together that you both enjoy. It is important to keep your romantic connection no matter if you have been married one day or fifty years. The next step in the following days is brainstorming together to find solutions.



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