I don’t qualify for life insurance!
Here is how to use a little-known insurance company secret to qualify for life insurance. When I hear someone say, “I don’t qualify for life insurance,” I think of two things. First, this is somebody that has a condition or problem, and they THINK that disqualifies them from getting life insurance. Second, this is a person that has been frustrated by the insurance system by trying to get life insurance, and they got declined for coverage. If one of these situations describes you or a loved one, there is hope for getting life insurance.
If you think you need life insurance, you know why you need it. In other words, you probably have already recognized that if you die, someone you love will suffer financially.
This article is not just another story of why you need life insurance; this is a real tip that most people do not know. There is life insurance available for almost everyone. You stand a much better chance of getting life insurance at a good price if you go through a financial adviser who uses a trial application process. The trial application process is done by submitting your health, financial and circumstance information to a panel of insurance companies on an anonymous basis.
By using the trial application process, you get the opinion of many life insurance companies without filling out an application for each company. Plus, since this is done anonymously, if half of the companies polled do not want to make you an offer, you do not have any adverse information recorded that may harm the possibility of getting coverage from another insurance company in the future. The reason why this is important is when you get to the stage of formally applying for a life insurance policy, almost every application that you complete will ask if you have ever been turned down or asked to pay a higher premium. If you answer yes, the insurance company you are applying to will want to know all the details, and they will more thoroughly scrutinize every part of your application. It is essential that you answer all the application questions truthfully.
Most people do not realize that insurance companies share information on people that apply for a policy. It is all legal, and the insurance companies are not violating any privacy regulations. When you fill out an application for individual life, health, disability income, critical illness, or long-term care insurance policies you probably agreed to allow the insurance company to share your information. You do have the right to decline to share this information, however, if you do the insurance company will decline to offer you coverage. So, it is essential that you answer every question on an insurance company application as truthfully as possible. If an insurance company finds a contradiction with a previous application, they may decline you because they are not sure what other information on the application is correct.
Because of the prevalence of life insurance advertising, it is easy to look at life insurance as a commodity. Some people think that it does not matter whom you get life insurance from, just get the lowest price. That is not true in every circumstance, especially for people that have a health condition, or a unique situation that has caused them to be declined, charged additional premiums or told that they need to wait a certain amount of time before being eligible for coverage.
On the other hand, some insurers take an aggressive approach to covering certain conditions. For example, there are life insurance companies that specialize in offering coverage to men that have currently have prostate cancer. Moreover, the price is reasonable. While there are insurers that avoid providing coverage for the same condition. How life insurance companies consider potential customers differ from one company to the next. Certain aspects of the insurance application and underwriting process are proprietary company information. If an insurance company has found a method of selecting potential customers that have helped them avoid large claims they keep that information private. Alternatively, as in the prostate cancer example, some companies have invested in research that has helped them identify a reasonable risk. Consumers can tap into that proprietary process without disclosing all their personal information by submitting their insurance interest through a trial application process.
For people that think that they don’t qualify for life insurance, the easiest, quickest way to get a life insurance policy at a reasonable price from a financially stable insurance company is to use the trial application process.